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OER and Open Access

OER and Open Access Research Guide for Faculty

Who is making these textbooks?

It is often subject experts and faculty like you.


Where do I find an OER?

There are many repositories and Open textbook initiatives that keep an updated list of open textbooks and open learning objects. 


Do open textbooks have supporting materials?

Some do. Like commercial textbooks, some open textbooks have ancillary material. 


How often are they updated?

It depends on the book--but what is great is that with an open textbook you can update the information yourself! An instructional designer might be able to help. 

How do I edit an OER?

A librarian is available to help you with the technical support of editing an OER. There are also many groups and tutorials on the Internet. 


How do I find the time to adopt an open textbook?

It will take time to adopt an open textbook, but it has many similarities to adopting a new publisher's textbook. A librarian can help you in this transition process.


How do I know if a book is good?

The best way to see if a book is "good" is to review it yourself! The books are free online, and many repositories have reviews online. 


What if I want my students to have a print copy of the book?

It depends on the book, but many books have on-demand online print services. Students may also print out the parts they want themselves. 


But the publisher's textbook has a really good chapter that I have to have for my class, what do I do?

Come to the library to talk to us about requesting permission from the copyright holder to use a chapter of a book for your class! Or we can find a suitable alternative.