Welcome! This guide was created to help you do research for your CHEM 299/COLL 150 course with Professor Coleman. Here you'll find databases and search strategies. If you're having any trouble finding what you're looking for, you can make a research appointment with myself or any of the RBC librarians, come up to the desk and ask a question, or send us an email.
The library databases contain journal articles and other scholarly information. Sometimes a database will contain the entire journal article, and sometimes it will only contain an abstract. Databases are searchable by subject, keyword, author, and more. They can be seen as the tool that you use to search and access scholarly publications, such as peer-reviewed journal articles.
You may notice that the database doesn't always provide you with a PDF of the article -- sometimes it will just give you an abstract. In that situation you can request it by interlibrary loan. They'll send a PDF of the article straight to your inbox, typically within a few days!
You can find everything you need to know about APA format at the OWL Purdue APA Style Guide.
You can get on-campus writing support at the Writing Center. Check out the website for hours and service details.