The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue.
Online library of more than 350,000 works of English and American poetry, drama and prose, 382 full-text literature journals, and other key criticism and reference resources.
Online index of print resources such as Contemporary Authors, Contemporary Literary Criticism, and Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism. These series are available in the STACKS in the Ready Reference section.
Searchable full text of over 2,200 works acted on or intended for the stage, which are either wholly or predominantly in verse. Based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature.
Searchable full-text poems in English from Anglo-Saxon times to the end of the nineteenth century by writers from the British Isles. Works in English by Welsh, Scottish, and Irish poets are included.